Kelly Price talks about Beyonce
Clayton Perry: In 2003, Rob Theakston (of called Priceless, your last full-fledged R&B album, "a much needed return of a quality R&B vocalist in the genre oversaturated with mediocrity." Seven years later, with the release of “Tired,” I feel that I can echo his statement, because vocally you can still run circles around the “best” singers that are currently on the charts. Where, oh where, have all the SANGers gone?
Kelly Price: When I look around at who is out today, I don't really see a lot of singers, like myself. And I guess I have to be careful, in how I say that, because I mean no disrespect. But I do look at other things. Beyoncé, for example, I love her work ethic. She works like she's got to go stand in line and wait for a block of cheese.
Clayton Perry: Right!
Kelly Price: But I so respect that, because what I see around her, I see a lot of artists who are grabbing at where she is, but they don't work nearly as hard as she does. And so she'll always be “Bey,” because she always works like that. So I respect that.
Kelly Price: When I look around at who is out today, I don't really see a lot of singers, like myself. And I guess I have to be careful, in how I say that, because I mean no disrespect. But I do look at other things. Beyoncé, for example, I love her work ethic. She works like she's got to go stand in line and wait for a block of cheese.
Clayton Perry: Right!
Kelly Price: But I so respect that, because what I see around her, I see a lot of artists who are grabbing at where she is, but they don't work nearly as hard as she does. And so she'll always be “Bey,” because she always works like that. So I respect that.