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Stan Walker meets Beyonce

Klaudia//October 23, 2013
Just five years ago Stan Walker was an unknown teenager. Now he’s the opening act for his very own American idol. Sarah Hall is with Walker as his dream comes true – he meets Beyoncé Knowles face to face.

It’s only the sound check and Walker is already overwhelmed. He opening for the woman considered by many to be the best performer of her generation.

It is difficult to explain just how much this means to Walker. Beyonce may have millions and millions of fans, but Stan could just be her single biggest fan in this country.

"It’s everything ," says Walker. "I like everything, from her hair to the stockings she wears, those beautiful big eyes, those honey-coloured eyes. She’s the greater performer I’ve ever known. I know even saying that, she’s better than Michael Jackson. I know it’s a big call, but that me. I’m in awe of her. I have this deep love, slash obsession, with her."

Watch the video for the full report.

Gifts and farewell haka move Beyonce to tears

Klaudia//October 23, 2013
Beyonce wrapped her last Auckland gig on Saturday night and raced off stage to fly out of the country by private jet. But waiting for her in the wings were surprise gifts by acclaimed Maori artists and an impromptu private haka led by Stan Walker. The queen of pop was rendered speechless and welled up with tears - but not before attempting the war dance herself.

"It was a truly epic experience," Maori fashion designer Kiri Nathan told The Diary. She presented Beyonce with a contemporary korowai (Maori cloak) she had made herself, and a pounamu (greenstone) piece carved by her husband, Jason, who had also made a pounamu toki for Beyonce's 21-month-old daughter Blue Ivy.

"I said a quiet karakia as I approached her and told her that I had made some taonga for her so she will always be connected to Aotearoa, the people, the land. I placed the korowai on her, and Jason gave her the pounamu, and I explained their significance," Nathan said.

"Then I presented her with a toki for Blue Ivy, which was cut from the same greenstone. I said, 'This will keep you connected to each other and to New Zealand, and it will keep you safe on your journey together'.

I gave her a hongi and we hugged and she burst into tears. She was just so overwhelmed and moved."

Mom and Daughter Dance to ‘End of Time’ on ‘Ellen’

Klaudia//October 7, 2013
Three-year-old toddler Heaven has become a YouTube sensation after her mom (and Beyonce) shared a video of them dancing to the singer‘s ‘End of Time.’ The pair recently got a chance to show Ellen DeGeneres their fancy footwork on her talk show.

Heaven and her mother appeared on the ‘Ellen‘ show and sat down for the cutest interview we have ever seen. Afterward, the dynamic duo performed their now famous dance routine that featured a little bit of tribal dancing and a few hip-hop moves.

After the performance, Ellen revealed that Queen Bey had seen the video and wanted to meet them. Heaven and mom received two VIP tickets to the singer’s Mrs. Carter Show World Tour when it hits the Barclays Center in Brooklyn on Dec. 22. What a fantastic early Christmas present! Heaven also received a cute Halloween gift as well.

The Mrs. Carter Show in San Juan

Klaudia//September 29, 2013
Beyonce performs on her "Mrs. Carter Show World Tour 2013," on Saturday, Sept. 28, 2013 at the Coliceo de Puerto Rico in San Juan, Puerto Rico.

After the concert, the singer uploaded photos to her Tumblr and thanked her fans in Latin America. On Friday she also wished Gwyneth Paltrow a happy birthday on her official website.

Below you can watch footage of Beyonce in San Juan and a new professional video from Monterrey.

Rock in Rio

Klaudia//September 14, 2013
Beyonce performed yesterday during the Rock in Rio festival in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. At the end of the concert she asked the crowd to repeat XO, which is the title of the song she filmed a music video for last month, and danced to the song "Ah Lek Lek Lek"! You can watch the full performance below.

Coach K shares his Beyonce story

Klaudia//September 13, 2013

Thanks to a 2011 national championship -- the fourth of his career -- and leading Team USA to two consecutive gold medals in the 2008 and 2012 Olympics, Mike Krzyzewski has really loosened up as he's cruised into his 60s. This is a good thing for everyone, but a really great thing today. Here's why.

In this video we've got K holding court in a public way unlike anything most have seen or heard before. The original video was curiously scrubbed from YouTube late Tuesday, so the backup has audio that's tougher to hear. K's story mostly involves Jay Z and Beyonce, but really is all about his massive (understandable, evolutionarily correct) crush on the one the cool kids call "Bey."

"I'm always looking for street cred," Kryzewski said to the horde of Duke students who were camped out -- on the second football weekend of 2013 -- for basketball tickets. "That's why I'm doing the United States team again."

Krzyzewski then shared a story from last November about when he introduced LeBron James at Sports Illustrated's Sportsman of the Year dinner. He was in the front row and noticed two empty seats next to him. Vexed, he wondered how anyone could be late or absent to such a huge event.

Then, in strolls modern music's most powerful couple.

"I really love Jay Z, but I'm madly in love with Beyonce," Kryzewski said.